GSA Schedules

GSA Schedules

We Help Private Businesses Acquire Government Contracts!

Long term government contracts are available to contractors of all sizes. We help you get registered and win those contracts so you can help your community, your government, and your business.

What Are GSA Schedules?

GSA Schedule – A formal agreement between the Federal Government and a commercial business that allows the General Services Administration (GSA) to purchase a wide range of products and services with convenience and ease. Within the GSA Schedule a business will have their contract number, a description of goods and services, pricing and the start and expiration dates of the contract.

The GSA Schedule is one of the most widely used methods by which the federal government purchases goods and/or services. No matter the state of the economy, one customer keeps buying - The Federal Government. Having a GSA Schedule simplifies the process for the federal government to purchase your products and services. When the government can purchase quickly with ease, you sell more. Government contracting is an incredibly competitive marketplace and it’s important to leverage as many advantages as you can to supersede other companies bidding on the same contracts. If your competitor has a GSA Schedule and you do
not, they’re taking advantage of potential deals that could be yours. The award of a GSA schedule contract opens the door to participate in the billions of dollars that are dispersed annually. You must see all of the opportunities in the federal space, who your competitors are and who’s soliciting contracts in your market to take advantage of the GSA opportunities.

Businesses that want to aggressively market to the federal government must take additional steps to qualify for a GSA schedule. Obtaining your GSA schedule is just part of the challenge. There are additional hurdles, prerequisites and the requirements that must be taken care of.

Why GSA Contracts?

The GSA Schedule is one of the most widely used methods by which the federal government purchases goods and/or services. No matter the state of the economy, one customer keeps buying - The Federal Government. Having a GSA Schedule simplifies the process for the federal government to purchase your products and services. When the government can purchase quickly with ease, you sell more.

Program Benefits

Grow your business buy selling directly to the government no matter the economy. GSA schedule simplifies the process.


To qualify for a GSA schedule –
- You must be in business at least two to three years depending on your industry
- You must have a web site and email address
- Have generated at least $50,000 in revenue within the past year
- Have six references of past business performances
- Have a verified accounting system
*Prerequisites can vary depending on industry

Getting Certified

To find out if you qualify, and if this is a good program for your business our experts are here to help. CLICK HERE to get started!

Get Started

Take the 1st Step and Get Certified Now!

There is no better time to start. To find out if you qualify, and if this is a good program for your business our experts are here to help. Start the process today!

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